mercredi 5 janvier 2022

6°_B1-L5b_Where are you from?

Enjoy English in 6ème (p20-21)


Objectifs de la séquence 


- Parler de soi (son identité, son âge, son origine)

Compétences lexicales et culturelles:

- Les pays anglophones, leurs capitales, leurs symboles
- Les nationalités
- Les nombres jusqu'à 20 ou plus

Compétences grammaticales:

- Be au présent (I et You uniquement)
- How old ...
- Where ... from ?

Compétences phonologiques:

- Schéma intonatif descendant


Séance 1_ The British Isles

The British Isles: Where are they situated on the map?

Here is a map of the British Isles:

Do you know the capitals and symbols of each country ?

Great Britain = England + Scotland + Wales
The United Kingdom = England + Scotland + Wales + Northern Ireland
The British Isles = England + Scotland + Wales + Ireland (Northern Ireland + the Republic of Ireland)

England is a country
London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom
Alès is a town
Branoux is a village
Ireland is an island
The Mediterranean is a sea
The Atlantic is an ocean
The Thames is a river

The British Isles - Flags, emblems and nationalities - Memovoc page 61 ____

 6ème The United Kingdom _________________________________________________

Séance 2_ Emblems and flags

The 4 cardinal directions are: the  North - the South - the East and the West

The emblem of :
- England is the rose
- Scotland is the thistle (== le chardon)
- Wales is the leeks and the daffodil (== le poireau et la jonquille)
- Ireland is the shamrock + the harp (+ the leprechaun)

The British flag:


Séance 3_ Nationalities: ___________

PRL: Les nationalités

1. Les nationalités s'écrivent avec une majuscule en anglais.
2. De nombreuses nationalités se terminent: 
- soit par "ish" (English, Scottish, Irish, British, Spanish...)
- soit par "an" ou "ian" (Australian, Canadian, American, German, Mexican, Russian, Moroccan, Algerian...)


Séance 3_ Learning with videos

Tout le vocabulaire utile pour parler des pays, nationalités, capitales, emblèmes...:


Séance 4_ Listen and react

Listen and write the information on your slate:

Recap the information (TE)

1. Sean is 19. He is Scottish
2. Liam is from Dublin. He is Irish and he is 18.
3. Rebecca is Australian, she is 16 and she is from Sydney. 
4. Mary is English, she is from London and she is 15.
5. Bob is American, he is from Texas and he is 20
6. Alwena is 13 and she is Welsh.
7. Garrett is 17, he is from Belfast, so he is Irish and British.
8.Carol is 14, she is from Canada (so she is Canadian)


Séance 5_ Listen and play in pairs

Exercice du blog "JeSpeakEnglish" here

Think about it:


Séance 6_ Learning with APPLICATIONS

A- Learningapps

Exercice sur les Pays / drapeaux:

Exercice sur les pays du Royaume Uni et leurs capitales :

 Exercice sur les monuments de Londres:

Exercice avec images, audios et textes:

Exercice avec audios des pays et drapeaux :

Exercice avec capitales et drapeaux:


Séance 7_ Practise with exercices


Séance 8_ Play in pairs

Choose an imaginary identity (name, country / nationality, age) then ask and answer questions