vendredi 3 septembre 2021

3°_B1-S1_Knowing me, knowing you

Final task: "My Gang - Your Gang" quiz


Firstname + Name  : My name is …………………………………………..……………….…
Place of birth: I was born in (place) ……………..………. , in (country) …………………….
Date of birth: I was born on (Month / Day / Year)…………………..……………….…………..
Age: I am …………………..….years old.

I am quite    ¨ tall  ¨ small ¨ medium height
I am    ¨ right-handed     ¨ left-handed
I’ve got : - ¨ long   ¨ medium length   ¨ short
               - ¨ straight   ¨ curly   ¨ wavy   ¨ frizzy
               - ¨ blond   ¨ brown   ¨ black   ¨ red         …hair

I am ¨ not at all   ¨ not very   ¨ a little bit   ¨ quite   ¨ very / extremely  ¨ too :
¨ shy   ¨ self-assured / confident   ¨ sociable   ¨ talkative   ¨ quiet   ¨ messy   ¨ tidy   ¨ patient ¨ impatient   ¨ polite   ¨ outgoing   ¨ ………………… ¨ …………………..
¨ ……………….   ¨ ……………..   ¨ ……………….   ¨ ……………….   ¨ ……………….
I am interested in:    ¨ politics    ¨fashion    ¨ video games   ¨ cinema     ¨ music
I am fond of: ¨ animals   ¨ eating   ¨ nature   ¨ cycling   ¨ reading ¨   dancing   ¨ watching movies   ¨   ¨ singing   ¨ listening to music   ¨ learning languages   ¨ doing maths   ¨ ………………….   ¨ ………………..   ¨ ………………….   ¨ ………………….
But I don’t like : ¨ ………………….   ¨ ………………..   ¨ …………………….
I am quite good at:    ¨ cooking   ¨ singing   ¨ English   ¨ languages   ¨ swimming  
¨ ……………….   ¨ …………..…..   ¨ ……………….   ¨ ….………….  ¨ ……………..
I am not afraid of: ¨ spiders   ¨ snakes   ¨ teachers   ¨ injections    ¨ test   ¨ …………

I’ve got:  …… brothers   …… sisters   …… half-brothers   …… half-sisters   in my family
/ ¨ I’m an only child
I’ve got              ¨ a step-father           ¨ a step-mother
So there are:        ¨ 2   ¨ 3   ¨ 4   ¨ more than 4      people in my family
I’ve got:      ¨ a goldfish    ¨ a turtle    ¨ a canary    ¨ a mouse    ¨ a cat    ¨ a dog     ¨ a snake  ¨ a poodle    ¨ a hamster    ¨ a guinea-pig  
/ ¨ I don’t have any pets

I live in:             ¨ a house                   ¨ a flat      ¨ a palace                  ¨ a castle            ¨ a cave
Adress: I live in:   ¨ New York     ¨ London      ¨Montpellier      ¨ Alès    ¨ Paris    
¨ La Grand Combe    ¨ Branoux      ¨ Les Salles du gardon     ¨ ................................................

¨ I’ve got a room of my own            ¨ I share a room with: ………………………….

TRUTH or LIE ???

For every group of 3 propositions, tick the 2 sentences which you think are true and and cross out the one which is a lie.
(Dans chaque groupe de 3 propositions, cochez les 2 phrases que vous pensez être vraies et barrez celle qui est un mensonge).




- patient # impatient
- responsible # irresponsible
- caring / affectionate / generous # selfish / unconcerned
- outgoing # shy
- honest # dishonest
- flexible # stubborn
- easy-going # touchy
- hard-working # lazy
- polite # impolite / rude
- bold / brave / courageous # easily-scared / cowardly


- not at all =  pas du tout
- not very = pas très 
- a bit = un peu 
- quite = assez 
- extremely = extrêmement
- too = trop


  • I'm a lion because I'm a born leader = je suis un lion parce que je suis un chef-né

- I like taking decisions / giving orders or instructions == J'aime prendre des décisions / donner des ordres ou des instructions
- I enjoy being bossy / bossing around == J'aime être authoritaire / commander
- I like it when people listen to me == J'aime quand les gens m'écoutent
  • I'm a turtle because I like peace and harmony = j'aime la paix et l'harmonie
- I like being the trouble-shooter / mediator == j'aime être le médiateur
- I enjoy helping people to make up / be reconciled == j'aime aider les gens à se réconcilier
- I'm quite good at bringing people back together == Je suis fort pour réconcilier les gens
  • I'm a dog because my friends can count on me = mes amis peuvent compter sur moi

- My friends can trust me == mes amis peuvent me faire confiance
- I'm loyal / faithful to my friends == je suis loyal / fidèle envers mes amis
- I'm trustworthy == je suis digne de cofiance
  • I'm a dove because I have a happy-go-lucky approach to life = j'ai une approche insouciante de la vie
I don't care about problems == je me fous des problèmes
I'm quite optimistic == Je suis assez optimiste

  • I'm a monkey because I love it when I am the centre of attention = j'aime être le centre de l'attention (de tout le monde)
I like to make people laugh == J'aime faire rire les gens
i like making faces == J'aime faire des grimaces
I enjoy attracting 

3. I HAVE: 

- loads of = a lot of = lots of = plenty of .... friends / secrets / fun / dreams


- my techy stuff = mes objets / gadgets technologiques / connectés

5. DO YOU ENJOY... ?

- developing your artistic skills = développer tes talents artistiques
- looking after your younger brothers and sisters = s'occuper de tes jeunes frères et soeurs
- looking after your neighbours' pets = s'occuper des animaux domestiques de tes voisins
- helping around the house = aider dans la maison
  • doing the housework = faire le ménage
  • hoovering the carpets = passer l'aspirateur sur les tapis
  • sweeping the floor = balayer le sol
  • mopping the floor = passer la serpillère
  • doing the washing up = washing up = washing the dishes
  • tidying (up) my bedroom = ranger ma chambre
  • doing the laundry = faire la lessive
  • ironing the clothes = repasser le linge
  • cooking = faire la cuisine
  • gardening = faire du jardinage
- finding out about or learning about ... = faire des recherches ou apprendre des choses sur ...


- listening to music / surfing the net / reading / playing video games / playing football 
- scoring loads of goals for my team = marquer plein de buts pour mon équipe
- hanging out with my friends downtown = trainer au centre ville avec mes amis
- rushing out to the latest show = courir pour aller voir le dernier spectacle


Remplissez avec un adjectif de la liste suivante:
Affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / bossy / co-operative / charming / insecure / shy / lazy / moody / self-confident / selfish / sensible / sensitive / jealous / sociable.
1. A woman who feels very sure of herself is: ……………………………………………………….....
2. A person who only thinks about himself is: ………………………………………………………….
3. A girl who’s always telling other people what to do is : ……………………………………………..
4. Someone who is always ready for a fight is: …………………………………………………............
5. A person who’s good at working with other people is: ………………………………………………
6. Someone who likes being with other people is: ……………………………………………………...
7. If a person wants what other people have, he is: ……………………………………………………..
8. When a person is happy one moment and sad the next, he is: ……………………………………….
9. Someone who’s not sure of herself is: ………………………………………………………………..
10. Someone who is good at making people like him is: ……………………………………………….
11. Someone who doesn’t like working is: ……………………………………………………………..
12. Someone who is very loving is: ………………………………………………………………….....
13. Someone who has a lot of common sense is: …………………………………………………….....
14. Someone who feels things quickly and deeply is: ……………………………………………….....
15. Someone who finds it difficult to talk to new people is : …………………………………………...
16.Someone who wants to do well in life is: …………………………………………………………...

Listen and fill the Personality Quiz for Jeremy, Leila, Zoe

Voici quelques exercices sur Learningapps pour réviser:


Sur The ultimate Personality Quiz 

Sentences from the texts:

Plein d'adjectifs:

Définitions d'adjectifs en anglais :

Pour travailler sur les QUESTIONS: 


Mots Interrogatifs:

Lien pour vous connecter ici:

Catégories de mots:
Lien pour vous connecter ici:

Mettre les mots dans l'ordre (1): 
Lien pour vous connecter ici:

Mettre les mots dans l'ordre (2): 
Lien pour vous connecter ici:

Mettre les mots dans l'ordre (3): 
Lien pour vous connecter ici:

Mettre les mots dans l'ordre (4): 
Lien pour vous connecter ici:

Nessrine + Lorine
possessive: someone who, when he has something, he wants to keep it
hypocritical: someone who speaks in the back of people

Julie + Marylou
Modest: a person who doesn't show his qualities, exploits and success to other people
Greedy: someone who wants to keep everything for himself

Enzo + Nacim
determined: someone who, when he has a project, he goes as far up as he can

Léna + Ambre
crual: someone who doesn't feel sorry for somebody who is the victim of their mean actions

Joad + Dimitri
nervous: someone who is nervous is tense about everything
