vendredi 1 octobre 2021

4°_B1-S1_What's your excuse today?


Activités :

- Demander et donner des informations simples sur la santé
- S'excuser pour un retard ou une absence
- Demander une permission

- Raconter un fait passé

Compétences lexicales et culturelles :

- la vie scolaire: maux, incidents, matériel, lieux et documents
- les termes de politesse

Compétences grammaticales :

- Be Have got / Can (permission)
- Présent Simple

Compétences phonologiques :

-  prononciation du "th" et "ch"
- Accélérer son débit


- Mobiliser le vocabulaire connu en préparation à une écoute

- Dire qu'on ne comprend pas et demander de répéter

What's your excuse today: Bp 12, 13 + 16

- Demander et donner des informations sur la santé.
- S'excuser pour un retard ou une absence.
- Demander une permission.
- Raconter un fait passé.

- Mobiliser le vocabulaire connu en préparation à une écoute.
- Dire qu'on ne comprend pas et demander de répéter

Compétences grammaticales et phonologiques:
- Be / Have got / Can (permission)
- Present Simple / Prétérit Simple.

- Prononciation de "th" et "ch".
- Accélerer son débit.

Compétences culturelles et lexicales:
- La vie scolaire: maux,incidents, matériel, lieux et documents.
- Les termes de politesse.


Vocabulary: Health problems


Get ready!

Look at the illustration and say all you can

a. He is at the dentist’s
b. She has got a headache
c. He’s got a stomach-ache / He feels sick / He doesn’t feel well
d. She’s late because she missed the bus
e. She is ill - She has got a fever + she has got a sore throat

2- Listen and react CD 1:4
Have a good look at the documents below:

Listen to the dialogue and give the corresponding letters
Listen again and fill in the absence notes and late slips

What happened to you ?


A_ You were away, What happened to you ?
1. I had a sore throat so I went to see the doctor and he gave me a treatment for it.
2. I had an appointment at the dentist's because I've got a toothache. 
3. I was sick for three days with a stomachache. But I feel better now.

B_ You don't look well, what's wrong ?
4. I'm hot. Can I open the windows, please ?
5. I'm cold, I'm, freezing ! Could you close the windows, please ?
C_ You are late, what's the matter ?
6. I was with the nurse because I twisted my ankle at PE (Physical Education) this morning.
7. I was with the nurse because I twisted my wrist at volley-ball. 
8. Sorry I'm late because our car broke down this morning. 
9. I overslept this morning and missed my bus !
10. I forgot my room number and got lost!

Pour vous entraîner à la traduction:

Frances: Sorry I'm late, Miss. 
Teacher: What's your excuse today, Frances ?
Frances: I overslept and (so) I missed my bus.
Teacher:Oh, really Frances ! It's the second time this week ! And where's your late slip ?
Frances: Oh, well...I forgot to get one...
Teacher: Go and get one, now ! And Hurry !

Teacher: Mary, what's the matter ?
Mary : I don't feel well... I've got a headache. Can I go to the nurse, please ?
Teacher: All right. Celia, can you take Mary to see the nurse, please ?
Celia: Yes Miss.

Teacher: Ah, Abel, you're back ! You were away last Wednesday, weren't you ?
Abel: Yes, Sir. I had an appointment at the dentist's. Here's my absence note. 
Teacher: Thank you.


The dialogues:


Practise your pronunciation



Think about it







For more practise:


Roleplay: "At the doctor's"